Boston 1980
- BOSTON 1980 - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appeared in a 1980 Science Fiction Convention booklet.
I took a break before finishing this drawing and while drinking a cup of coffee I looked at an issue of Artist Magazine. I came to a page that featured a painting that seemed to be splashes of color with some swirls in the center. The caption said it was part of a new "showing" in a modern art museum. So I began to read about how the artist rendered this masterpiece; he had placed a large sandpapered wooden panel on the floor and splashed several colors of paint over it. He then planted his naked behind in the center and spun around in the pigments until satisfied with his effort. And this improvisational painting was the feature presentation in this "respected" "art" magazine.
Then I read a commentary of this painting at the end of the feature, by an art critic (supposedly an expert in the field of modern art) who wrote; "The sensitive hands that wrought this masterpiece can be discerned in every touch of these whirling syndromes of emotion". Apparently the critic was unaware of the artist's technique!
I put the magazine away and went back to work . . .
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